Worker with Red Hard Hat

States Take Steps to Reform Workers’ Comp Systems

Read­ing Time: 4 min­utes

Last Updat­ed on April 30, 2023 

Work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion (WC) is a sys­tem that pro­vides ben­e­fits to employ­ees who are injured or become ill on the job. WC sys­tems vary from state to state, but they all have the same goal: to pro­vide finan­cial assis­tance to work­ers who are injured or become ill on the job. How­ev­er, WC sys­tems can be expen­sive for both employ­ers and employ­ees. In recent years, a num­ber of states have tak­en steps to reform their WC sys­tems in an effort to reduce costs and improve effi­cien­cy. These reforms include changes to the way claims are han­dled, the way ben­e­fits are cal­cu­lat­ed, and the way dis­putes are resolved.

Key Points:

  • States are tak­ing steps to reform their work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion sys­tems in an effort to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  • These reforms include changes to the way claims are han­dled, the way ben­e­fits are cal­cu­lat­ed, and the way dis­putes are resolved.
  • The reforms are designed to make the work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion sys­tem more afford­able for both employ­ers and employ­ees, and to pro­vide bet­ter ben­e­fits to work­ers who are injured or become ill on the job.

Workers’ Comp Reform: What States Are Doing to Reduce Costs and Improve Efficiency

Work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion (WC) is a sys­tem that pro­vides ben­e­fits to employ­ees who are injured or become ill on the job. WC ben­e­fits can include med­ical expens­es, lost wages, and death benefits.

WC sys­tems vary from state to state, but they all have the same goal: to pro­vide finan­cial assis­tance to work­ers who are injured or become ill on the job. How­ev­er, WC sys­tems can be expen­sive for both employ­ers and employees.

In recent years, a num­ber of states have tak­en steps to reform their WC sys­tems in an effort to reduce costs and improve effi­cien­cy. These reforms include changes to the way claims are han­dled, the way ben­e­fits are cal­cu­lat­ed, and the way dis­putes are resolved.

Changes to the way claims are handled

One of the most com­mon reforms that states are mak­ing to their WC sys­tems is to change the way claims are han­dled. In the past, it could take months or even years for a WC claim to be processed. This was often frus­trat­ing for work­ers who were injured or became ill on the job and need­ed finan­cial assistance.

To address this issue, many states are now imple­ment­ing reforms that stream­line the claims process. These reforms may include things like:

  • Requir­ing employ­ers to report injuries to their work­ers’ comp insur­ance car­ri­ers with­in a cer­tain time frame
  • Requir­ing work­ers to file their claims with their employ­er’s work­ers’ comp insur­ance car­ri­er, rather than with the state
  • Cre­at­ing online por­tals where work­ers can file their claims and track the sta­tus of their claims. These por­tals can make it eas­i­er for work­ers to file their claims and to get the infor­ma­tion they need about the sta­tus of their claims

Changes to the way ben­e­fits are calculated

Anoth­er com­mon reform that states are mak­ing to their WC sys­tems is to change the way ben­e­fits are cal­cu­lat­ed. In the past, the amount of ben­e­fits that a work­er received was often based on their pre-injury earn­ings. This meant that work­ers who were injured or became ill on the job and were unable to return to their pre­vi­ous job could receive sig­nif­i­cant­ly less in benefits.

To address this issue, many states are now imple­ment­ing reforms that tie the amount of ben­e­fits to the sever­i­ty of the injury or ill­ness, rather than to the work­er’s pre-injury earn­ings. These reforms may include things like:

  • Estab­lish­ing a set sched­ule of ben­e­fits for cer­tain types of injuries or illnesses
  • Pro­vid­ing addi­tion­al ben­e­fits for work­ers who are unable to return to their pre­vi­ous job

Changes to the way dis­putes are resolved

In the past, if a work­er and their employ­er dis­agreed about a WC claim, the dis­pute would often go to court. This could be a cost­ly and time-con­sum­ing process for both parties.

To address this issue, many states are now imple­ment­ing reforms that allow work­ers and employ­ers to resolve dis­putes through alter­na­tive dis­pute res­o­lu­tion (ADR) meth­ods. ADR meth­ods include things like medi­a­tion and arbitration.

ADR meth­ods can be a more cost-effec­tive and time-effi­cient way to resolve WC dis­putes. They can also help to reduce the num­ber of WC cas­es that go to court.

The use of ADR in work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion is becom­ing increas­ing­ly com­mon. In some states, ADR is manda­to­ry for cer­tain types of work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion dis­putes. In oth­er states, ADR is voluntary.

If you are involved in a work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion dis­pute, you should dis­cuss ADR with your attor­ney. ADR may be a good option for you if you want to resolve your dis­pute quick­ly and cost-effectively.

Here are some of the ben­e­fits of using ADR in work­ers’ compensation:

  • ADR can be a more cost-effec­tive way to resolve disputes.
  • ADR can be a more time-effi­cient way to resolve disputes.
  • ADR can help to pre­serve rela­tion­ships between work­ers and employers.
  • ADR can help to ensure that dis­putes are resolved fairly.

If you are con­sid­er­ing using ADR in work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion, you should talk to an attor­ney who spe­cial­izes in this area of law. An attor­ney can help you to under­stand the ADR process and to make sure that you are mak­ing the best deci­sion for your case.


Work­ers’ comp sys­tems are com­plex and ever-chang­ing. The laws and reg­u­la­tions gov­ern­ing work­ers’ comp vary from state to state, and the cost of work­ers’ comp is con­stant­ly chang­ing. As a result, it is impor­tant for employ­ers and employ­ees to stay up-to-date on the lat­est devel­op­ments in work­ers’ comp.

The reforms that states are imple­ment­ing are designed to reduce costs and improve effi­cien­cy. These reforms may include changes to the way claims are han­dled, the way ben­e­fits are cal­cu­lat­ed, and the way dis­putes are resolved.

If you have any ques­tions about work­ers’ comp, please con­sult with an attor­ney who spe­cial­izes in this area of law.