tall buildings with workers hard hat

California Workers Compensation Resources for Injured Workers

Read­ing Time: < 1 minute

Last Updat­ed on June 19, 2023 

Cal­i­for­nia Work­ers Comp Resources. Call Now for a FREE Con­sult with an expe­ri­enced Cal­i­for­nia Work­ers Comp Lawyer at 844–682‑0999.

California Workers Compensation Resources for Injured Workers

Work­ers Com­pen­sa­tion Laws for State ofCal­i­for­nia
Statute for Work­ers CompCal­i­for­nia Labor Code Divi­sion 3, sec­tion 2700 through Divi­sion 4.7, sec­tion 6208
Work­ers Comp AgencyDepart­ment of Indus­tri­al Relations
Agency AddressDepart­ment of Indus­tri­al Rela­tions
Divi­sion of Work­ers’ Com­pen­sa­tion
455 Gold­en Gate Avenue, 2nd Floor
San Fran­cis­co, CA 94102–7014
(415) 703‑5020 or (800) 736‑7401
Statute of Limitations1 year from the date of injury
State Law Exemp­tions and Spe­cial RulesDoes­n’t cov­er ama­teur sport­ing event offi­cials; deputy clerks; deputy sher­iffs; domes­tic work­ers employed by par­ents, spouse or child; vol­un­teers for non-prof­it recre­ation­al camps or ski patrols
Not pro­vid­ing work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion pay­ments can result in a year in jail and fail­ure to insure can cost a busi­ness $100,000 in fines

Have You’ve Been Injured on the Job?

No Obligation — Confidential — FREE CONSULT


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