person applying bandage on another person s hand

What are the Most Common Workers Comp Injuries?

Read­ing Time: 7 min­utes

Last Updat­ed on June 29, 2023 

The most com­mon work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion injuries, include strains and sprains, falls, slips, and trips, con­tact with objects or equip­ment, trans­porta­tion inci­dents, and vio­lence and oth­er injuries caused by a per­son or an ani­mal. Call Us Now and Talk with a Work­ers’ Com­pen­sa­tion Lawyer Today at 844–682‑0999.

The 5 most com­mon work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion injuries are:

  • Strains and sprains
  • Falls, slips, and trips
  • Con­tact with objects or equipment
  • Trans­porta­tion incidents
  • Vio­lence and oth­er injuries caused by a per­son or an animal

What are the Most Common Workers Comp Injuries?

While most peo­ple go to work day in and day out with­out a hitch, acci­dents can some­times hap­pen in the work­place that leave employ­ees injured and unable to work. 

Does the nature of job or type of industry play a role in workplace injury

The most com­mon cause of work­place injuries depends on the type of work, the kind of busi­ness as well as the nature of industry.

Who commits the most common workplace injuries?

The most-com­mon safe­ty vio­la­tions are not vio­la­tions com­mit­ted by indi­vid­ual work­ers, but rather vio­la­tions com­mit­ted by com­pa­nies entrust­ed with their work­ers’ safety.

Is Age a contributing factor in workplace injuries?

Age is per­haps the most com­mon per­son­al fac­tor that pre­dis­pos­es a per­son to an increased risk of a work-relat­ed injury.

What is the most common cause of workplace injuries?

Com­mon caus­es of work­place injuries include unsafe work envi­ron­ments, jobs which fre­quent­ly strain a worker’s back, and employ­ees who are inex­pe­ri­enced and not well-trained as to safe­ty procedures.

Some Questions Asked by Injured Workers

  • What The 5 Most Com­mon Work­ers Com­pen­sa­tion Injuries?
  • What are Most Com­mon Work­ers Comp Claim Injuries?
  • What Are Most Com­mon Work­ers Com­pen­sa­tion Injuries & How To Avoid Them?
  • What Is The Most Com­mon Work­place Injury?
  • What Are Most Com­mon Work­place Injuries In 2022?
  • The 10 Most Com­mon Work­ers Com­pen­sa­tion Injuries
  • What Are The Most Com­mon Rea­sons For Work­ers Com­pen­sa­tion Claims?
  • What Are Most Com­mon Work­place Acci­dents Result­ing In Time Missed From Work?

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What Are 10 Most Common Workers Compensation Injuries & How To Avoid Them? 

1. Back Injuries

Back injuries are one of the most com­mon and cost­ly work-relat­ed injuries. To avoid back injuries, employ­ers should ensure that employ­ees are using prop­er lift­ing tech­niques, such as keep­ing the load close to the body and using their leg mus­cles to lift. Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ers should pro­vide ergonom­ic chairs and desks, as well as ade­quate rest and breaks. 

2. Repetitive Motion Injuries 

Repet­i­tive motion injuries occur when an employ­ee per­forms the same task over and over again, such as typ­ing or lift­ing. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should have employ­ees take fre­quent breaks, use ergonom­ic equip­ment, and rotate tasks to reduce the amount of repet­i­tive motion. 

3. Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall injuries are caused by unsafe walk­ing sur­faces, such as wet or uneven floors. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should ensure that all walk­ing sur­faces are dry and free of debris, and that all spills are cleaned up imme­di­ate­ly. Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ers should pro­vide employ­ees with appro­pri­ate footwear. 

4. Eye Injuries

Eye injuries can be caused by var­i­ous fac­tors, such as fly­ing objects or expo­sure to haz­ardous chem­i­cals. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should pro­vide employ­ees with safe­ty eye­wear and require employ­ees to wear it at all times. Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ers should pro­vide train­ing on prop­er safe­ty pro­to­cols when work­ing with haz­ardous materials. 

5. Stress Injuries

Stress injuries can occur when an employ­ee is under too much men­tal or emo­tion­al strain. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should pro­vide employ­ees with ade­quate resources and sup­port, set real­is­tic expec­ta­tions for employ­ees, and allow employ­ees to take reg­u­lar breaks. Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ers should cre­ate a cul­ture of open com­mu­ni­ca­tion to address any issues or concerns. 

6. Musculoskeletal Injuries

Mus­cu­loskele­tal injuries can occur when an employ­ee is per­form­ing tasks that require repet­i­tive motion, such as typ­ing or lift­ing. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should pro­vide ergonom­ic fur­ni­ture and equip­ment, encour­age employ­ees to take fre­quent breaks, and rotate tasks to reduce the amount of repet­i­tive motion. 

7. Hearing Loss Injuries

Hear­ing loss injuries can occur due to expo­sure to loud nois­es, such as machin­ery or con­struc­tion. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should pro­vide hear­ing pro­tec­tion, such as ear plugs, and require employ­ees to wear it at all times. Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ers should ensure that all machin­ery is prop­er­ly main­tained and that noise lev­els are kept to a minimum. 

8. Chemical Injuries

Chem­i­cal injuries can occur due to expo­sure to haz­ardous chem­i­cals, such as sol­vents or clean­ers. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should pro­vide employ­ees with safe­ty train­ing, and ensure that all chem­i­cals are prop­er­ly labeled and stored. Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ers should pro­vide employ­ees with pro­tec­tive gear, such as gloves and goggles. 

9. Heat-Related Injuries

Heat-relat­ed injuries can occur due to work­ing in hot or humid con­di­tions. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should pro­vide employ­ees with ade­quate breaks, access to cool water, and access to air-con­di­tioned areas. Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ers should pro­vide employ­ees with appro­pri­ate cloth­ing for the conditions. 

10. Vehicle Accidents

Vehi­cle acci­dents can occur when an employ­ee is dri­ving for work-relat­ed pur­pos­es. To avoid these injuries, employ­ers should pro­vide employ­ees with safe­ty train­ing on defen­sive dri­ving, and require reg­u­lar vehi­cle main­te­nance. Addi­tion­al­ly, employ­ers should ensure that employ­ees have access to a safe and reli­able vehicle.

Have You’ve Been Injured on the Job?

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What are 13 Most Common Workers Comp Injuries?

  1. Overex­er­tion or repet­i­tive motion and mus­cu­loskele­tal injuries
  2. Sore­ness or pain – Chron­ic back pain is one of the most-com­mon com­plaints among work­ers whose jobs require them to sit in an office chair for hours a day
  3. Slip and fall injuries include bro­ken or dis­lo­cat­ed bones, severe sprains or strains, con­cus­sions, back injuries, and more
  4. Lac­er­a­tions of the skin are one of the more com­mon injuries report­ed in the workplace.
  5. Falling to a Low­er Lev­el is when a con­struc­tion work­er falls off of a roof in con­struc­tion and main­te­nance jobs
  6. Machin­ery acci­dents are among the most dev­as­tat­ing work­place acci­dents because they can be fatal. Work­ing with heavy machin­ery and indus­tri­al equip­ment inher­ent­ly has its risks, which are only com­pound­ed when work­ers are not giv­en prop­er safe­ty instruc­tions or pro­tec­tive gear
  7. Mate­r­i­al han­dling acci­dents in the man­u­fac­tur­ing and retail indus­tries, caus­ing near­ly 40 per­cent of injuries in both sectors
  8. Carpal tun­nel syndrome
  9. Con­cus­sions and Oth­er Trau­mat­ic Brain Injuries
  10. Dan­ger­ous, haz­ardous, or tox­ic mate­ri­als are among some of the most com­mon haz­ards in the indus­tri­al sector
  11. Elec­tro­cu­tion include elec­tri­cians, crane oper­a­tors, forestry work­ers, con­struc­tion work­ers, truck dri­vers, util­i­ty work­ers, and carpenters
  12. Brain injuries, auto­mo­bile col­li­sion injuries, ani­mal attacks, dog bites, smoke inhala­tion, burns, and Mesothe­lioma are the most com­mon injury types
  13. Semi-truck acci­dents to minor col­li­sions, injuries sus­tained while dri­ving will con­tin­ue to be high on the list of most com­mon work­place injuries

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What are the 9 Most Common Causes of Work Injuries?

  1. Strain or sprain
  2. Fall or slip injury
  3. Struck or injured by
  4. Motor vehi­cle
  5. Cut, punc­ture, or scrape
  6. Caught in or between
  7. Strik­ing against, step­ping on
  8. Burn, scald, heat or cold exposure
  9. Rubbed or abraded 

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What are the 10 Most Common Nature of Work Injuries?

  1. Strain
  2. Con­tu­sion
  3. Frac­ture
  4. Lac­er­a­tion
  5. Inflam­ma­tion
  6. Burn
  7. Her­nia
  8. Dis­lo­ca­tion
  9. Crush­ing
  10. Punc­ture

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What are the 6 Most Common Body Parts Injured in Work Related Accidents?

  1. Upper extrem­i­ties
  2. Low­er extremities
  3. Back injury
  4. Trunk
  5. Head
  6. Neck

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What are 4 Most Costly Workers Comp Injuries?

  1. Of the most com­mon­ly-result­ing injuries, inflam­ma­tion and frac­tures caused the most time away from work at 91 and 78 days, respectively.
  2. The most cost­ly lost-time work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion claims by nature of injury are for those result­ing from amputation.
  3. The next high­est costs were for injuries result­ing in frac­ture, crush, or dis­lo­ca­tion ($60,934), oth­er trau­ma ($60,288), and burns ($48,671).
  4. Slips, trips and falls account for one third of all per­son­al injuries in the work­place, and they’re a top cause of all work­ers’ com­pen­sa­tion claims.

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What 4 Types of Work Injuries Result in Death and Amputation?

  • Work Relat­ed Fatal Injuries totaled over 5,300 and the most com­mon caus­es were: 
    • Elec­tro­cu­tion
    • Falls
    • Being struck by an object or equipment
    • Get­ting crushed or stuck between objects.
  • The most com­mon acci­dents that result­ed in death were: 
    • Falls from height
    • Con­tact with mov­ing machinery
    • Being struck by a vehicle.

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What Type of Jobs Results in Common Workers Comp Injuries due to Slip and Fall?

Work­ers who most com­mon­ly fall vic­tim to fresh­ly mopped floors and big wet spills are:

  • Secu­ri­ty workers
  • groundskeep­ers
  • store clerks

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What are the Most Common Repetitive Work Related Injuries?

  • The most com­mon repet­i­tive strain injuries are carpal tun­nel syn­drome, bur­si­tis, and ten­donitis in your wrist, arm, shoul­der, and neck.

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